Whole Peking Duck

Pekin duck is native to China and raised extensively in America for its dark, rich, flavourful meat. Pekin duck is technically red meat and like a fine steak is best cooked no more than medium rare. Duck is also incredibly versatile and is luxuriously rich and tender.

  • $14.25 per kg

Wine pairing:Pinot noir or Gewurztraminer.

Duck Breast

Duck meat is derived primarily from the breasts and legs of ducks. The meat of the legs is darker and somewhat fattier than the meat of the breasts, although the breast meat is darker than the breast meat of a chicken or a turkey.

  • Federally inspected
  • Naturally raised
  • 45.00$ per kg
  • Approx 14oz

Wine pairings: Pinot noir or Gewurztraminer, Reisling

Duck Breast

Duck meat is derived primarily from the breasts and legs of ducks. The meat of the legs is darker and somewhat fattier than the meat of the breasts, although the breast meat is darker than the breast meat of a chicken or a turkey.

  • Federally inspected
  • Naturally raised
  • 45.00$ per kg\
  • Approx 14oz

Wine pairings: Pinot noir or Gewurztraminer, Reisling

Foie gras slices grade A

Foie Gras is the fattened liver of a duck (or goose) and is considered a great delicacy around the world. Made famous in France, foie gras is a traditional food known to mankind since at least Ancient Egypt.

  • Federally inspected
  • Naturally raised
  • $110.00 per kg

Wine pairing: Champagne, Sauternes or Chardonnay

Foie gras lobe grade A

Foie Gras is the fattened liver of a duck (or goose) and is considered a great delicacy around the world. Made famous in France, foie gras is a traditional food known to mankind since at least Ancient Egypt.

  • Federally inspected
  • Naturally raised
  • $110.00 per kg

Wine pairing: Champagne, Sauterne or Chardonnay

Foie gras lobe grade A

Foie Gras is the fattened liver of a duck (or goose) and is considered a great delicacy around the world. Made famous in France, foie gras is a traditional food known to mankind since at least Ancient Egypt.

  • Federally inspected
  • Naturally raised
  • $110.00 per kg

Wine pairing: Champagne,  Sauternes or Chardonnay

Duck Confit

Duck Confit is prepared from the legs of the bird. The meat is salted and seasoned with herbs, and slowly cooked submerged in its own rendered fat, in which it is then preserved by allowing it to cool and storing it in the fat.

  • Federally inspected
  • Naturally raised
  • $19.50 per pack
  • 2 legs in a pack

Wine pairing: Pinot Noir, Barolo, Chainti, Pinot Gris, Gewurztraminer

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